Ok, if you are following the instruction of this for LDAP based authentication, you may want to connect to the LDAP server in eclipse and take a look of the data configured. Here are the steps to to it:
- Install apache directory studio plugin for eclipse, add url (http://directory.apache.org/studio/update) in the eclipse software update
- Create a LDAP server connection
- Click on LDAP browser, you will see the data.
You can also test on this free LDAP server with the following information:
LDAP Server Information (read-only access):
Server: ldap.forumsys.com
Port: 389
Bind DN: cn=read-only-admin,dc=example,dc=com
Bind Password: password
All user passwords are password.
You may also bind to individual Users (uid) or the two Groups (ou) that include:
- riemann
- gauss
- euler
- euclid
- einstein
- newton
- galieleo
- tesla
here is the screenshot: