LDAP server configuration on eclipse

Ok, if you are following the instruction of this for LDAP based authentication, you may want to connect to the LDAP server in eclipse and take a look of the data configured. Here are the steps to to it:

  • Install apache directory studio plugin for eclipse, add url (http://directory.apache.org/studio/update) in the eclipse software update
  • Create a LDAP server connection


  • Click on LDAP browser, you will  see the data.


You can also test on this free  LDAP server with the following information:

LDAP Server Information (read-only access):

Server: ldap.forumsys.com  
Port: 389

Bind DN: cn=read-only-admin,dc=example,dc=com
Bind Password: password

All user passwords are password.

You may also bind to individual Users (uid) or the two Groups (ou) that include:


  • riemann
  • gauss
  • euler
  • euclid


  • einstein
  • newton
  • galieleo
  • tesla

here is the screenshot: